Wednesday 15 January 2014

Shoe throwing reality

I had a harsh, subconscious realisation this Christmas. Some time subsequent to the ‘throwing five-inch heels at Jon’s head’ incident, but before a week spent wearing reindeer antlers in the sweet shop, reality came and hit me, loudly reminding me my days in limbo must end.

In this moment of cruel clarity I hit the wall of recognition – my student card expired seven months ago yet I was still sat at the graduate crossroads, my plans to ‘find myself’ no longer acceptable. How  have I blinked and missed the last three years? At twenty-one and a half there is still so much I am yet to do (travel the world, drive on a motorway, keep a Mac book alive) however I am now expected to be the smart-casual ‘grown up’ I could never imagine, but must begin to recognise.

Hence I realised it is time for me to put the heels back on (sorry again Jon) and set off. Starting with the sweet shop that I have called work since I was seventeen and the pick and mix that has caused my recent root canal nightmare – it is time to remove my reindeer ears once and for all and start on my path to pension.

Incredibly in the space of seven days I have gone from sweet shop connoisseur to an interning editorial assistant. In an instant my life has become an overwhelmingly adult world of commuting and living for the weekend lie in. Day three and I am still very much the new girl, instantly forgetting my colleagues names and whether it is milk-and-two-sugars or in fact green tea they asked for, yet am loving every second of my new hectic working week.

Afraid I will blink and miss these next twelve weeks, this will be my record. Silencing the worries of what will happen when these months are over, I have decided to embrace this current madness and stumble on.

Kind regards,

The Intern